Welcome. Don't be nervous, I'm not... I swear, seriously! This whole process is brand-new to me.
I've used TypePad before, but I'm not going to talk tech here (at least I'll try not to). For that, go to "Bradtastic Superfluous" — superfloo.us for short.
What I meant was, I've never been in the position to create and maintain a blog like this; I just know that, over the past year — on numerous occasions — I've had the desire to post informal, extremely personal stuff, but had no proper place for it. Bradtastic.com will be for business — Superfloo.us was perhaps too public.
It had occurred to me to ignore the "urge."
Strangely enough, however, people asked for more about me and less about tech. I suppose, living as I do — with pain everyday — outside perspectives have become harder for me to perceive and anticipate. In addition, I'd become accustomed to the idea that my life isn't all that interesting anymore.
I suppose I've always known that it was interesting — I could acknowledge that, even during the worst of my pain. I thought that I'd explained in enough detail and clearly-enough to most people the nature of my condition and my physical limitations... on this point, I was wrong. Call it pride or privacy — I didn't publicize certain things, and whenever I'd go out in public, I'd put on the brave face that I've cherished and relied-on through my late teen years.
But what about now?
Enough impotant people have told me, sans uncertainty, that they want to read more about me and my life — exciting (to me) or otherwise. Fortunately for them, I don't mind sharing; I write about my daily-doings and goings-on in "personal journals," (paper — made by Canteo Classeur), I could certainly share — and perhaps lightly embellish (kidding... maybe) — my secret self.
During the past two years, I've been very private... elusive — perhaps reclusive. However, I haven't been idle. I've been learning; reading a lot, watching documentaries, studying math and science. I just didn't go out much, and that's starting to change, as business is picking back up for everyone and there's more figurative light at the end of people's hypothetical tunnels. Society is starting to increase its spending and lower its inhibitions, meaning the world is ripe for the pickin' ready for me.
Closing thoughts.
This site also gives me a nice opportunity to play around with writing formats and styles I might've otherwise ignored or overlooked. If this site helps to build new connections, that'd be awesome. However, I just hope to give friends and fans some insight and a better understanding of some of my occasional aberrance. I'll try to keep it as entertaining as it is enlightening.
I have no doubt that some of it will be damned funny, too. Enjoy it. Someday soon, when you mention me to your friends and they wonder what the "big deal" is, you'll have ample evidence to provide. You can share with them the stories of how Brad became 'tastic.
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